It’s the #10thAnniversary of #InternationalJazzDay (in a few hours) and I thought I’d celebrate by posting this newest video made with two of the sweetest friends I have never met. According to the #UnitedNations, they did it “to highlight jazz and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe.” It is […]

One of #MilesDavis most famous tunes is #SoWhat. Arranged by #GilEvans with the signature melody payed by #PaulChambers on bass and #BillEvans on piano, the tune kicks off with Miles’ unforgettable trumpet solo. This was back in 1959 on the album #KindofBlue which many say is the most important album in all of jazz. But […]

Sep 16, 2022 #JohnColtrane#Naima#jazzvocals#Naima is a #JohnColtrane song that I wrote lyrics for years ago. It really is a lovely melody. Made for singing. So thrilled to sing it with Marie Hagén and Aman Mahajan. Marie spent a lot of time in Bangalore during Covid and we became friends online. Just when it is safe […]